Worship & Healing Service

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Your New Identity In Christ

Speaker: Pastor Kent

Christ's resurrection has given you a new identity. Listen to this short message packed full of the gospel truth that will empower you to reign in life.

Listen →
bulletin blog

Are You Living In Mistaken Identity?

Speaker: Pastor Henry

Learn the truth of who you are in Christ and enjoy the freedom of no condemnation in Christ Jesus.

Listen →


bulletin blog

Mickey & Suzan Cartagena

True to our name we are an International church that is making a great impact both in the Raleigh Durham area and abroad. We do this by supporting our missionaries, Mickey and Suzan Cartagena.

Check out Mickey & Suzan's website →



Since listening to the Sermon in which you prayed for us, my intense muscle pain has stopped... Michigan, USA
The sermon was the single best sermon I've heard. North Carolina, USA
I have not been able to sleep much at night and have had to take melatonin. I took your word from God and I have slept like a baby ever since! Virginia, USA


Pastor Kent
Acts 2-42 Ministries

Discipling Through Food, Fun, and Fellowship

Check out Pastor Kent's website →

Pastor Prince
Joseph Prince Ministries

Unveiling Jesus and His Finished Work

Check out Pastor Prince's website →

Andrew Wommack
Andrew Wommack Ministries

Teaching God's Unconditional Love and Grace

Check out Andrew's website →

Cecil & Lisa Paxton
Cecil & Lisa Paxton Ministries

Teaching believers the Truth of God's Word on Healing

Check out Cecil & Lisa's website →